Moxee Wireless Home Phone Base Station
Moxee Wireless Home Phone Base Station
Moxee Wireless Home Phone Base Station
Moxee Wireless Home Phone Base Station
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6.49'' x 5.39'' x 1.18'' | 165 mm x 136 mm x 30 mm
Pantalla a color integrada
Hasta 3.5 horas
Procesador Qualcomm MDM9607 - 1.2GHz
Depende del teléfono en uso
Memoria 256MB RAM | 512MB ROM
350 gr | 12.3 oz
What's in the box?
Wireless Home Phone device
Services Guide and Quick Start Guide
Plug your existing corded or cordless telephone base into the Moxee Home Phone. A telephone wall jack is not required.
Keep your existing home phone number and home telephone handset.
Enjoy voicemail, caller ID, call forwarding, and conference calling at no additional cost.
Set up your Moxee Home Phone anywhere you have a strong cellular signal and electrical outlet. You can even take it with you on vacation.
Stay in touch, even if you lose power.
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